Anna Kosmider-Leal, Ph.D. (Founder) – was born in Poznan, Poland.
In 2004 she graduated from the University of Adam Mickiewicz, with a Master’s Degree in Ethnolinguistic, from the department of Modern Languages.
In 2005 she graduated from a postgraduate course in European Administration from the same University in Poznan, Poland.
In 2014 she graduated from the University Fernando Pessoa in Porto, Portugal, obtaining her doctoral degree at Anthropology.
Since 2000 she has been working as a language lecturer and since 2004 as a college professor and translator.
Since 2007 she has been living in Porto, Portugal.
Since 2021 she has been an author of the API (The Association of Portuguese Press). On her account there are numerous editorials published in more than 400 national newspapers of the Portuguese language. She is a member of the school textbooks evaluation committee at General Directorate of Education.
Privately, she is a mom of two bilingual children, a lover of travelling, good gastronomy and fashion.
Some publications:
Marta Michalunio, M.Ed. - comes from Frombork, Poland.
She graduated from the University of Warsaw, College of Interfaculty Individual Studies in the Humanities (major in education and Portuguese studies) in 2006, with a Master´s thesis in philosophy of education.
She took her first steps as a language tutor in 1997, teaching English to preschool children. While at the university, she worked as a language tutor and a language teacher at a language school and at a public primary school. She has language certificates in English (CPE) and Portuguese (DUPLE).
In 2007-2014 she worked as a diplomat in the Polish Embassy in Luanda (Angola). Since 2014 she´s lived in Portugal (Aveiro) and worked as a translator; she also collaborates with Polish publishing houses preparing didactic material for Portuguese learners.
Currently working in the Polish Embassey in Brazil.
Mom of three bilingual children. Fascinated with bilingualism and the processes of educating and shaping personalities, she makes her passion come true by writing a PhD thesis at the Department of Education and Psychology, University of Aveiro. She loves music and meetings with friends, and instead of cleaning the house she prefers to go swimming with her children.
Klaudia Kamińska Faneca - Speaking Parrot Kids.
In 2013 she graduated from the pedagogical major at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. That was where she took her first steps in teaching. In the same year she started working for the Polish Association of the blind in Krakow, where she organized language courses for the blind.
Later, in 2017, she gained teaching experience in a junior high school in Krakow, where she became deeply interested in new methods and forms of teaching.
Since her teenage years, her greatest passion has been travelling and discovering new places, cultures, customs and traditions. Her curiosity about foreign languages came as a consequence of all of this, and then languages turned out to be her life.
Her great love for Portugal was born in 2012 during Erasmus studies, and then 3 years later during the European Voluntary Service she discovered that Portugal was the place to live her life.
She believes that activating methods stimulate students and kill boredom. Active learning is fascinating, and the role of a teacher is to be the best guide who would introduce a learner to the extraordinary world of foreign languages.
For 5 years she has been living in a Portuguese town called Nazaré, famous for the biggest waves in the world, and working in the Speaking Parrot where she successfully embraced the innovative project: Speaking Parrot – kids.
Fun Fact: Klaudia learned Portuguese here, at… Speaking Parrot!
Beata Korzeniak-Sirojć – M.A.
She comes from Płock, Poland. In 1992 graduated from the University of Łódź, Poland, with a Master’s Degree in English Philology.
For 30 years she has been teaching English in secondary schools, universities and language schools. Since 1995 she has been working as a college teacher in Teacher Training College, which is now The Mazovian State University in Płock, Department of English Philology.
In 2006 she became a certified oral examiner for FCE/ B2/ and CAE/C1/ Cambridge ESOL Examinations.
She likes travelling, reading books and learning foreign languages, currently Portuguese.
Hugo Faneca
Born in a tiny Portuguese town - Nazaré. He graduated in management in Lisbon. However, he abandoned his life in the capital in order to be able to realize his potential in his hometown.
Nazaré is famous for the biggest waves in the world and the surfers who surf on them.
Hugo’s goal is to take you on a virtual Portuguese surfing experience and show you that just like surfers conquer the waves you can also conquer the language!
Katarzyna Tomalak Ph.d - Language House
For years we have been collaborating with Katarzyna and her great school.
We think that collaboration with talented people can only make us grow. The market is big enough for us all!
Foreign languages fill the world with colours, new challenges and opportunities. This is our world!
We have been enchanted by this linguistic magic for a long time and now we would like you to have a piece of it. The door to the world of languages is wide open and it is right in front of you.
For us a language is much more than just grammar and vocabulary. We believe you need to understand the culture of the linguistic region to fully decode the words, sentences and dialogues. It is our natural curiosity and desire to communicate that drives us to learn a foreign language.
We have been teaching since 2000 and have taught hundreds of classes in Universities, schools, companies, private houses and on the internet. The latter gave rise to Speaking Parrot.
Speaking Parrot is a service that provides on-line language learning. Nowadays time has become more and more precious, therefore, we offer professional classes via Skype. On-line classes are highly effective, time- and money-saving and are super convenient as they allow us to learn at our own place.
We offer three languages: Polish, Portuguese and English.
Try us and we promise interesting classes, a friendly atmosphere, a full involvement and the most important: a quick progress!
And yes, we do agree with the theory that our linguistic success depends in a huge part on your teacher(s). They must be patient, imaginative but above all, they must be passionate about their work. And this is precisely the reason we teach!
6 years have passed since we launched our website. We couldn´t dream of better feedback, better students, more clients or more attention. And it all happened without having invested in marketing. Our marketing is our work itself, the results achieved and relations or even friendships made with our students. The Speaking Parrot is so much more than just a language school, is a game changer.
Learning English
Learning Polish
Learning Portuguese
Comfort and efficacy! First on-line class is free. Have a go!
Individual or in a group.
We prepare for various types of examinations.
Troubles at school? We can help you improve your marks!
Are you afraid of speaking in a foreign language? We can help you overcome your language barrier and start speaking!
We offer professional training for companies.
(E.g.) Business, medicine, tourism etc.
Translations to and from: English, Portuguese and Polish.
Po nieudanych poszukiwaniach satysfakcjonujacego mnie kursu języka portugalskiego, zasugerowałam się rekomendacjami z forum i napisałam do Ani z nadzieją, że uda się jej znaleźć chociaż godzinę w tygodniu na zajęcia indywidualne. Po lekcji próbnej już wiedziałam, że to jest osoba, której szukałam. Ania to lektorka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem, profesjonalistka w każdym calu, specjalistka od gramatyki, przekazująca wiedzę w sposób usystematyzowany. Poziom uniwersytecki, atmosfera jak na spot kaniu z przyjaciółką:) Po kilku miesiącach dołączyłam do grupy B1. Zaczynamy o 21:00 polskiego czasu ale nawet gdy mam zły dzień, jestem zmęczona, to zawsze Ania i dziewczyny poprawiają mi humor, zarażają pozytywną energią i motywują do nauki portugalskiego :)
Ewelina Kuzmicka, B1 - Filolog
I've had several English teachers, but none of them gave me as much as Klaudia. I used to be stressed about English, but Klaudia was very supportive, helped me feel confident and relaxed and thanks to her I found my own way to English and started to like it. I always looked forward to our online classes, they were enjoyable, interesting and motivating. I like the way Klaudia leads them.She has always chosen interesting topics that make you think and broaden your horizons, not only in terms of language. Thank you Klaudia, it was a pleasure!
Karin Gliwitzka, Erasmus student in Porto
Klaudia is a star quality teacher! Her classes inspire you and charge you with a positive energy thanks to her vibrant personality and her heart of gold. She is very well organized and will quickly tell you where you need to improve and how to do it in the most efficient way. She won't lie to you saying something is easy when it isn't but she will be with you all the time along the way cheering you on patiently until you achieve your goals.
Adrianna Radwańska-Santos
Nasza 6-letnia córka uwielbia lekcje z Klaudią. Nauka przez zabawę sprawdza się wyśmienicie. Klaudia ma ogromne pokłady cierpliwości i super poczucie humoru. Bardzo polecamy 🙂 Córka twierdzi, że uwielbia lekcje z Panią Klaudią, ponieważ „Pani Klaudia jest super miłą osobą i bardzo dobrze się razem bawimy.
Paulina Smiechowska, mama Sary
When we contacted Anna we were looking to improve our English level, to one day be ready to work in another country and be able to speak good English, especially related to football. We really created great empathy with Anna and actually we did more hours a week than we had originally planned. The classes were fun, with great applicability to our daily lives and we improved our English level a lot. We were very satisfied because the classes were very usefull for us and would recommend it to everyone with 100% of certainity.
Pepa & techinical team - Football coach
Nasze zajęcia z języka portugalskiego to sama przyjemność. Ania jest niezwykle doświadczoną i uzdolnioną nauczycielką, która wie jak połączyć przyjemne z pożytecznym i jak podtrzymać zainteresowanie ucznia podczas całej godziny zajęć. Nauka języka obcego jeszcze nigdy nie była tak łatwa i przystępna. Z Anią pokonujemy naszą nieśmiałość i stawiamy pierwsze, coraz to odważniejsze kroki w komunikacji w języku portugalskim. Od czasu do czasu, lekcje przeplatane są też ciekawymi wzmiankami na temat kultury portugalskiej i zwyczajów mieszkańców tego krańca Europy, dając nam okazję na żarty, zdziwienie i zachwyt. Lekcje sprawią nam wiele radości i co tydzień z niecierpliwością wyczekujemy na środę wieczorem, by ponownie zagłębić się w świat, w którym pastel de nata i vinho verde mają takie specjalne miejsce. Jak Portugalski to tylko z Anią! Tylko ostrożnie! Bo jej pasja do tego języka może okazać się zaraźliwa :))
Olga Wicherek A2
☆ TOP QUALITY ☆ Ania is definitely one of my favourite language teachers and I've always been picky about them. Her enthusiasm and passion are contagious. She has excellent teaching skills along with professional approach, positive attitude and engaging personality. I just wish I could have more time to have classes more often! Obrigada professora Ania.
Natalia Bochenek, Norway
Ania is a professional and experienced teacher thanks to whom my Portuguese is improving faster than I have expected. Her enthusiastic approach and various teaching methods make learning a language a true adventure with outstanding effects. I highly recommended!
Antoni Ruszkiewicz, Milano
Totally recommend! I've been Speaking Parrot student for around 3 years and I truly enjoy every single lesson with Ania. I love her flexibility about the topics and about the timing of each class (very important aspect for me). Learning other language has never been so joyful as with her.
Anna Wieczorek, England
Trafiłem na Speaking Parrot kiedy postanowiliśmy wraz z żoną spróbować życia w Portugalii i w związku z tym chcieliśmy nauczyć się portugalskiego. Wyboru dokonaliśmy na podstawie opinii na grupach portugalskich na fb i wybór okazał się wyjątkowo dobrze trafiony. Dzisiaj nie tylko uczymy się portugalskiego od podstaw z sukcesami, ale dołożyliśmy do tego doskonalenie angielskiego, bo Ania ma wyjątkowy dar do nauczania, a lekcje są prowadzone w świetnej atmosferze. Stanowczo polecamy!
Olgierd &Justyna Baranowscy -
Klaudia Kamińska Faneca is a teacher of my 8 yo daughter for almost a year now. I would like to say that I have never met such a commited, lovely, energetic and smiled person. She loves to teach and You can feel that with every lesson. She is never tired (what I would fully understand) and always has new ideas. She is open minded and undestand kids' limitations or dissabilities. She is just amazing and I am grateful for all great lessons with her!
Marta Tamioła, Tosia´s mum
We have failed. We’ve tried to learn Portuguese with one of popular language apps and got nowhere. Finding Anna and Speaking Parrot was a game changer. Starting our lessons with Klaudia and Hugo has elevated our knowledge of Portuguese even higher. Together they have everything you could possibly dream of: experience with Portuguese as both primary and secondary language, methodology coming from formal linguistics education and excellent approach towards students. We only regret one thing: that we haven’t found them earlier!
Justyna&Konrad Roziewscy - Just take a lesson
Ania's skills are obvious and one can feel that teaching Portuguese is her passion. She definitely knows how to pass it on her students! Ania believed in me more than I believed in myself! I have no idea what is her secret but she even knew how to fight my laziness and keep my motivation high! Her patience deserves medals. Till today I am using her tricks to memorise constructions unusual in my native language. In addition classes were always fun and you'll learn not only the language but a lot about daily life in Portugal and Portuguese culture. Highly recommend Speaking Parrot!
Agnieszka Regin - Real Estate Agent/Property Manager
Kiedy myślę " portugalski z Martą ", to myślę: nieskończone pokłady cierpliwości, portugalski: lekko, łatwo i przyjemnie. Chciałabym kiedyś pogadać z nią o wszystkim po portugalsku. Chciałabym wrócić do mojej ulubionej Portugalii i powiedzieć tym ludziom, jak bardzo są wspaniali. Mam nadzieję, że jestem na najlepszej drodze do realizacji tych planów.
Agnieszka Janus, lekarz (hematolog)
Ania is a very patient teacher who helped me gain the understanding of portuguese after I moved to Portugal and struggled to grasp the language. She is very good at explaining and flexible in terms of schedule. The lessons are fun! I would highly recommend her as a teacher.
Kirsty Johnson (UK), a community psychiatric nurse
Nazywam Anię psychologiem językowym, bo oprócz tego, że uczy wspaniale, to jeszcze zaraża pasją, inspiruje i rozwiązuje problemy życia na obczyźnie. Pasja, humor, wiedza, każda godzina lekcji, mija jak 5 minut, a po zajęciach siadasz dalej do książek, bo jesteś zarażona pasją. Baaaaaardzo polecam! ♥
Klaudia Kamińska, Instagram
We would like to recommend you: Speaking Parrot. We have been learning with Ania for almost two years. We weren´t sure if Skype lessons were a good idea but it turned out to be a perfect solution for us. Ania has passion, sense of humor, patience and can build a great rapport from the very first lessons. We are at different levels and Ania’s lessons are always tailor-made to our needs. We both feel that our english is getting better and better.
Ewa&Karol Ryńscy, Blogspot
Of all the English teachers with whom I had a contact Ania is the most wonderful. She is not only a competent teacher who loves her work, she is also a wonderful person and a coach. The lessons with her are a real pleasure - I did not experience this during my earlier studies. Thank you for everything, teacher!
Miriam Zalewska, a photographer
Z przyjemnością chciałabym zarekomendować Speaking Parrot, zajęcia z Martą są pełne energii, stosuje różnorodne ćwiczenia językowe a lekcje prowadzone są w bardzo przyjemnej atmosferze. Ogromnym plusem dla mnie jest również elastyczność zajęć, które mogę dostosować do moich godzin pracy.
Patrycja Skupien, Delivery Project Executive
O lekcjach z Anią możemy mówić wyłącznie w superlatywach: lekkość, humor, solidność, zaangażowanie, cierpliwość . Dzięki spotkaniom z Anią nasza portugalska przygoda nabrała dodatkowego smaku, bo oprócz znajomości samego języka zyskujemy za każdym razem solidny pakiet kulturowo- obyczajowy. To bezcenne, szczególnie jeśli się tu mieszka. Polecamy serdecznie i z pełnym przekonaniem!
Katarzyna i Robert Ruszkiewicz, romanistka i pisarz
I have really enjoyed my weekly Portuguese lessons with Marta online. This has offered great flexibility based on my busy lifestyle, both in time and approaches to learning languages. Each we the session has a set purpose with pre-work and then we practice together every Friday. I have appreciated the process has not been your normal lesson/class and task teaching, but really met me where I am in my own learning of the language and of my partner. Thanks Marta
Michael, PhD Student and CEO of a Portuguese Start-up
Lekcje z Martą ze Speaking Parrot to przede wszystkim elastyczność i dostosowanie do ucznia- wiedziałam nad czym muszę pracować, ale poza tym Marta wyłapuje obszary, na których potrzebuję się skupić i przygotowuje adekwatny materiał. Bardzo mi się podobają tematy lekcji. Nierzadko poruszane są zagadnienia ważne i kontrowersyjne, co sprawia, że lekcja jest nie tylko nauką angielskiego ale również, możliwością innego spojrzenia na świat. Pozwala to na dzielenie się swoją opinią wśród zagranicznych znajomych. Polecam zainteresowanym nauką języka- lekcje nie odbiegają od zajęć stacjonarnych, a dodatkowo oszczędzają czas na niechcianych dojazdach.
Ewa, uczestniczka programu szkolenia zagranicznego
Jest mi niezwykle miło zarekomendować Anię, jako osobę profesjonalną i z pasją podchodzącą do swojej pracy. Nie wiem jak to robi. Faktem jest to, że ma ogromny talent i umiejętność uczenia, a to rzadkie cechy wśród tych, którzy starają się uczyć innych ludzi. Podczas zajęć z Anią nagle WIESZ I ROZUMIESZ, czujesz, że dostajesz skrzydeł, portugalski staje się prosty! Ania jest bardzo pozytywnie nastawiona do świata i ludzi, co ma niewątpliwie wielki wpływ na sposób, w jaki prowadzi zajęcia, zawsze z uśmiechem i piękną energią. Lekcje portugalskiego z Anią to nie tylko nauka, ale także spędzony przyjemnie czas, gdzie po zakończonej lekcji nie możesz się doczekać następnej. Nauka staje się dzięki Niej wyjątkowo łatwym i przyjemnym doświadczeniem. Ania, to zdecydowanie najlepsza nauczycielka jaką znam w Portugalii.
Marzanna Olejniczak, przewodniczka po 9 kroplach raju
A equipa da nossa Clínica dentária tinha necessidade de aprofundar os seus conhecimentos de inglês e recorreu às aulas da Senhora Prof. Dra Ania Kośmider Leal, que têm sido fantásticas. Obrigada 5 estrelas.
A equipa da Clínica Pinheiro Torres
Segun mi experiencia recomendaria Speaking Parrot 100%. Profesionalidad en la enseñanza y metodo de aprendizaje es optimo para conseguir aprender y hablar el idioma. Anna es una persona muy profesional y cercana lo cual es perfecto para lograr nuestros objetivos.
Pablo Cons, General Manager AC Hotel Porto
Classes with Ania are just a pleasure for me. They motivate me to keep in touch with the language as anything else, and even when I "do not feel like today" - after eachlesson I want more. Additionally, current and releasing imagination topics, used in our conversations (in English of course!) make that we both learn something new. We infect each other with curiosity to previously unknown stories and topics. Moreover, individual and online classes are a perfect solution for people like me, who had always struggled with the regularity due to frequent trips or busy schedule. I recommend Speaking Parrot to everyone, even to people with a short-lived enthusiasm - classes with Ania are an excellent medicine :)
Joanna Michałowska, a traveller and book lover
Lekcje idealnie dostosowane do moich zyczen, elastycznosc w ustalaniu czasu i dni lekcji, szeroki zakres wiedzy oraz dobre wyjasnianie zawilosci gramatycznych jezyka, to glowne atuty nauki jezyka portugalskiego z Pania Marta Michalunio. Nauka przez internet jest bardzo wygodna, tym bardziej ze moge miec kawe pod reka oraz moje male dzieci bawiace sie obok.
Ewa Winter, Purchase to pay specialist at Hyster-Yale UK
Kilka lat temu, Dr.Ania uczyła mnie języka portugalskiego. To był najlepszy kurs, na jakim byłam. Super podejście do ucznia, rewelacyjna atmosfera na zajęciach i pomoc w każdej językowej potrzebie. Obrigada Doutora Ania!
Krystyna Przybylak, pracownik samorządowy
Enquanto aluna da Ex.ª Senhora Prof. Doutora Anna Kosmider Leal tenho algumas breves considerações a fazer: quando comecei as minhas aulas de Inglês não tinha conhecimento suficiente para poder acompanhar a matéria ao nível de ensino superior. Contudo, consegui alcançar os objetivos exigidos, mas também com muito mérito da Professora Doutora Anna Kosmider Leal, pela sua paciência, dedicação, exigência, conhecimento e por gostar de lecionar! Aos interessados fica aqui o meu testemunho sobre esta experiência que jamais esquecerei, o meu Muito Obrigada!
Ana Maria Silva, Administrativa (in memorium)
If you listen to fado, drink vinho verde, are in love with Lisbon, plan your next holidays in Portugal or simply want to learn or improve your language skills - Ania is the solution. Always perfectly prepared, with a great sense of humor and academical background, when it comes to portuguese lessons via Skype, she is simply the best. Married to portuguese man, she knows everything about Portugal and more.
Kasia Szumańska-Kalisz, Public Relations Coordinator
Tive aulas individuais com a Professora Anna Kosmider Leal e não podia estar mais satisfeita. A sua capacidade de trabalho, de motivação e empenho para que conseguisse alcançar o meu objetivo foi notória. Recomento a Professora Anna Kosmider Leal, pelo elevado profissionalismo e dedicação que deposita em todas as suas aulas.
Sofia Oliveira, Docente
Enquanto ex aluna da Doutora Anna Kosmider Leal, só posso agradecer por tudo aquilo que me ensinou ao longo do tempo que foi minha docente. É notório o gosto que tem por transmitir aos outros tudo aquilo que sabe. O empenho e dedicação que tinha cada vez que lecionava eram contagiantes e permitiram-me continuar motivada em tempos por vezes difíceis. Obrigada por me ajudar a alcançar os meus objetivos.
Patrícia Silva, Criminóloga
Polecam lekcje z panią Anią z całego serca! Jest wspaniałym nauczycielem i cudownym człowiekiem, zaangażowanym w to co robi na 100%. Uczę się portugalskiego juz rok i nie zamieniłabym lekcji z panią Ania na żadne skarby świata! Lekcje z panią Anią to dla Mnie sama przyjemność, zadowolenie i satysfakcja z efektów Naszej pracy. Profesjonalizm w zawodzie i oddanie uczniowi w każdym calu. Polecam po 100kroć!
Patrycja Weychan, florystka i miłośniczka Portugalii
Pewnego pięknego dnia postanowiłam zacząć się uczyć portugalskiego. Mieszkam w polskich górach, pracuję na całym świecie, żyję na walizkach, więc jedyną możliwą opcją była nauka przez Skype! Trafiłam na Anię i to był strzał w 10! To cudowna, cierpliwa, bardzo kompetentna lektorka. Zna się na swojej robocie, lubi uczyć i ma do tego ewidentny talent. Polecam Anię z całego serca!
Paulina Młynarska, dziennikarka
I have started the Portuguese lessons with Ania because of my great love for Portugal and for this language. I am very happy that Ania is my teacher, she has - in addition to mere language knowledge - a lot of patience and understanding for the people’s different backgrounds. I live in The Netherlands and I hope I can use this beautiful language also here in my future career.
Marta Sagatowska,